Arkansas shooting suspect dies in shootout.
Dallas Police Investigating Shooting on Bexar Street That Left 17-Year-Old Dead.
Dallas concert where one person was shot dead and 15 others wounded.
with authorities
Three people shot at an east Fort Worth convenience store gathering.
Suspect arrested after 6 killed in Sacramento shooting rampage.
16 hurt in 'Epic Easter' concert shooting.
High School reports armed robbery in boys bathroom.
These headlines are just from ten minutes of browsing the news one morning. In a violent encounter there is no time to call the police, even if they are called it will take them 10-12 minutes to arrive. When seconds count minutes don’t matter. Face it YOU ARE YOUR OWN FIRST RESPONDER. Getting your LTC is a good place to start. Yea I know you don’t need an LTC because Constitutional Carry is legal. That’s fine, do you know where you can and cannot carry, do you know when you can use deadly force? You still have a responsibility to know the law and your responsibilities when carrying a firearm. There are so many advantages to having your LTC it makes no sense not to have it.
Join us April 23rd at Shady Grove Baptist Church 3507 FM 499 Greenville, TX 75401 and get your LTC, cost is $55, doors open at 7:30am class starts at 8:00am and ends at 2:00pm, after class we will go to the range to qualify. If you are new to handguns or are unsure if you can qualify sign up for our Pistol Fundamentals class.
For more information and to register click the link below.
If you have any questions contact Brett at or call 972-814-7224.