About Us

Meet Brett Harmon:
Hello, my name is Brett Harmon I am the Owner/Founder of Shield Firearms. I am the Head Gunsmith and Lead Instructor. I am a certified gunsmith, NRA certified Instructor and Range Safety Officer and Texas certified License to Carry Instructor. I worked in the security industry for 10 years as a manager and training instructor. I served as a K-9 Handler and Logistics Captain with Lone Star Search and Rescue for 5 years.

Meet Bunny Harmon:
Bunny is Co-Owner/Founder of Shield Firearms. She handles finances and scheduling. Bunny served 5 years with Lone Star Search and Rescue as a K-9 Handler and is also a Certified Dog Trainer she owns Bunny's Dog Training. With 25 years as an Executive Assistant she has the skill to organize and keep Brett in line.