I'm sure most of you have heard about Constitutional Carry and may be considering it as an alternative to getting your License to Carry. Other than the general reference to the Second Amendment of our U.S. Bill of Rights, most people have very little understanding of what Constitutional Carry means or the laws pertaining to Constitutional Carry because it is new.
We want to let all of you know where Shield Firearms stand concerning OUR Second Amendment.
The Second Amendment should be the First Amendment because it is how WE THE PEOPLE are able to guarantee the rest of our rights as American Citizens. History has proven that a country who's citizens can't defend themselves from a threat, including their own government, will eventually become "subjects" to a tyrannical dictator, remember Mussolini and Hitler.
Now that you know where we stand as far as the Second Amendment is concerned I will continue to the point of this post. On September 1, 2021 it will become legal for qualified persons to carry a firearm in public. The ability to own and carry a firearm in this country is an unalienable right, however it does come with a great amount of responsibilities. The most important of those is knowing how to safely carry and use a gun. It is and always will be the gun owners responsibility to seek out and obtain training. Even though the Second Amendment grants us this right, Constitutional Carry still has laws and regulations that you must know and follow. Do you know; who can carry, what you can carry, how you can carry, what you can do while carrying, places you can carry, what signs apply to Constitutional Carry, what brandishing is, when you can use deadly force, how to interact with law enforcement? There are many more. If you cannot answer all of these questions you need to seek training so you will not unintentionally or unknowingly break a law that could result in a fine and/or jail time that could permanently effect your right to own a firearm. Are you confident handling and using a handgun? There is NEVER an end to practicing and/or training with a firearm, it is a perishable skill. I would encourage anyone that is going to carry a firearm to continually seek training. At Shield Firearms we offer a number of training opportunities from beginner to advanced. Our owner and lead instructor Brett Harmon is an NRA Certified Basic Pistol instructor ( the most taught NRA class), Range Safety Officer and Texas Certified License to Carry Instructor. We offer NRA Basic Pistol, Fundamentals of Pistol, Constitutional Carry, License to Carry and Active Shooter classes. These classes are offered to the public, small groups, corporate, and private individuals. Check out our website: Classes and Events | Shieldfirearms or give us a call at 972-814-7224.
The last thing I want to cover in this post is the difference between Constitutional Carry and License to Carry. There are advantages to having a License to Carry. A few examples are; less restrictions on where you can carry, the ability to carry in 38 other states who recognize the Texas License to Carry, gun purchases without a background check and others. I have heard some people say "I don't want a License to Carry because I don't want the government knowing anymore about me." My response is, "This is a Texas License and if you have a Texas Drivers License, getting your License to Carry gives them no more information on you than they already have with your Texas Drivers License. The only thing we report to the DPS is a pass or fail for the Classroom and Range proficiency, we do not post scores, we report nothing to do with your firearm. When you fill out your paper work you are not telling them anything they don't already know or can find out."